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Internet Network Marketing: Why You Should Use an Autoresponder


When it comes to internet network marketing, a lot of people get all wrapped up in the making money, business end of the concept, and forget all about the most important part: Networking. This
indispensable tool makes this part of your business easy to manage.

So, you did a great job calling your leads and getting people signed up in your opportunity. Or, maybe you placed ads in key places and got a terrific response and lots of sign ups. You’ve got the business opportunity. You’ve got the downline.

Now what do you do?

If you only have one or two people in your downline, this isn’t a huge issue. It’s easy enough to stay in contact with just a few people by phone and email.

But, what happens as your network grows, or as you develop leads that haven’t signed up yet? When you have 10, 20, 50 or 100 people on your list, do you want to email each of them individually?

If you don’t have an autoresponder, you need one. It will save you time and energy, and will help you convert leads to downline on autopilot.

What Do You Look For in an Autoresponder?

Multiple List Capability:

Can you have multiple lists? This is important for several reasons. If you have a variety of niche sites, you need a separate mailing list for each one. You may want separate mailing lists for customers, leads and downline.


What is the rate of deliverability? Not all autoresponders are created equal. You need one that is dependable and will get your messages through quickly and consistently.

Pre-loaded Messages:

How many messages can you pre-program into your auto-responder? Ideally, you should be able to
pre-enter a year’s worth of emails or more that will be automatically delivered based on the date someone signed up for your mail list.

Broadcast Messages:

Make sure you can send out a broadcast message to your list. In fact, if you can choose to send it to any or all of your lists, that’s even better. That way if something comes along that you want to notify everyone of, you can type it in one time and send it to all of your different groups at the same time.

Scheduled Delivery:

Look for an autoresponder that will allow you to schedule delivery of your emails. That way, if you are entering fresh content in addition to your uploaded emails (which I highly recommend!), you can write a few at a time and then schedule when they should be delivered to your active list.

This feature is especially useful if you are planning to be away from your computer and don’t want to drop out of contact with your list.


Make sure your autoresponder allows you to personalize your emails. It is much nicer to get an email that refers to you by name, than one that starts out “Dear Friend”.

So, what can you use an autoresponder for?

  • Notify customers of new products or sales
  • Explain benefits of opportunity to leads
  • Train current downline
  • Notify downline of new products, new policies, contests, etc.

Basically, your autoresponder is what helps you develop relationships with all the people you work
with — in whatever capacity.

How often should you send messages?

Well, that depends on who your target audience is. If they are leads, I personally think you should send them messages every day. Some people may think that’s too often. You may even have some people unsubscribe.

That’s OK. The ones who identify with you will actually look forward to your daily messages. The ones who don’t, you don’t need on your list anyway. It’s all part of the sorting process.

This article just barely scratches the surface of the art of using an autoresponder to build and maintain your business. For more information and helpful tips on building a successful internet network marketing business, be sure to click on the link in my resource box.

Cheree Miller


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